We support the integration of environmental issues in public policies and strategies and we promote approaches, methods and tools supporting the transition towards more sustainable models and behaviors.
- Environmental assessment and monitoring
- Integration of environmental issues in EU regional and rural development policies
- Plans, programmes and strategies for sustainable development
- Projects for the integrated enhancement of natural and cultural heritage and of landscape
- Actions and tools supporting green procurement and circular economy
- Environmental communication and reporting
Some of our projects
GREEN finance and Do No Significant Harm principle implementation for a better regional GOVernance
Period: 2024-2028
New European Bauhaus for increasing urban biodiversity.
Interreg Central Europe
Period: 2024-2026
Technical assistance to the ERDF Sardinia Operational Programme
Period: 2019-2026
SEA of the Regional Transport Plan of Regione Lombardia
Period: 2023-2025
Permanent Citizens’ Assembly on Climate
Period: 2022 -2024
Environmental monitoring of the River Po District’s Plans
Period: 2022-2024
Monitoring of the Regional Environmental Energy Plan of Sardinia
Period: 2018-2020; 2022-2023
Environmental facilitation for Aral SpA
Period: 2022-2023
LIFE GreenChange
Green infrastructures for increasing biodiversity in Agro Pontino and Maltese rural areas.
Period: 2018-2023
SEA of local urban and traffic plans
Since 2006
Construction of an index for the assessment of flood damage
Period: 2021-2022
Strategic Environmental Assessment of ERDF Regional Programmes
Period: 2020-2022
Climate Transition Strategy for the areas of Brescia and Bergamo
Period: 2021-2022
A DSS for implementation and monitoring of the National Sustainable Development Strategy
Italian Ministry for the Environment
Period: 2020-2022
City Water Circles
Urban Cooperation Models for enhancing Water Efficiency and Reuse in Central European functional urban areas with an integrated Circular Economy approach.
Interreg Central Europe
Policies to improve rural areas’ innovation systems by professionalizing networking and use of innovation tools.
Interreg Europe
Period: 2017-2021
Tre Piazze nel Parco – Reinventing Cities Milano
Support in preparation of the winning project focused on Lambrate site in Milan, for the second edition of Reinventing Cities Competition
Period: 2020-2021
Switch to a new way of transport.
Interreg Italy-Switzerland
Period: 2020-2021
Deep Demonstrator Milano
Support to the Air Climate Plan of the municipality of Milan.
EIT Climate-KIC
Period: 2020-2021
A living lab for the integration of clean energy, sustainable mobility and circular economy.
EIT Climate-KIC
Periodo: 2018-2021
MTF 2026
Development of an innovative financing mechanism for deep renovation of buildings
EIT Climate-KIC
Period: 2020
Circular Housing
Circular economy innovative model in the housing sector
EIT Climate-KIC
Period: 2020
Technical support on Green Public Procurement
Period: 2018-2019
Circular Economy stories
Period: 2017-2018
Circular Economy Stories
It deals with implementation of tools designed to give visibility and connect circular economy good practices
Period: 2017-2018
Alpine Space Sustainable Territories.
Interreg Alpine Space
Period: 2016-2019
Empowering climate resilience
Period: 2016-2018
Integrated territorial strategies for services of general interest
Period: 2016-2018
EXPO 2015 Environmental Observatory
Period: 2012-2015
Green public procurement for resource efficient regional growth, Interreg Europe, Regione Lombardia
Period: 2017
SEA of the Waste Management Plan of the Basilicata Region
Period: 2015-2016
“Contratti di Fiume” technical secretariat
Period: 2015-2016
Urban Ecomuseum of South Milan (MUMI)
The aim of this project is to create the Urban Ecomuseum of South Milan
Period: 2015-2016
SEA of the Transport and Mobility Programme of Regione Lombardia
Period: 2014-2016
PGT – Comune di Monza
Period: 2012-2016
Ecological network implementation between the Valle del Lambro park and Groane Park
Period: 2014
Period: 2014
Studio PGT – Comune di Monza
Period: 2012-2013
Landscape impact assessment and landscape assessment report of buildings in the Milan EXPO 2015 site
Landscape impact assessment and landscape report related to several buildings designed as part of the Expo 2015 exhibition site
Period: 2012-2013
EIA of the EXPO Milano 2015 site
Poliedra supported Expo 2015 company since the preparatory phases of the environmental impact assessment.
Period: 2011-2012
The Green Public Procurement Information Network
Period: 2009-2012
Methodological support to the State-Regions Meeting Table
Period: 2008-2012
Assessment model of the effectiveness of environmental projects
Period: 2010-2011
Supporting REseArch on Climate-friendly Transport
Period: 2009-2011
How to Achieve sustainable WAter systems connecting Research, people and policy makers in Europe
Period: 2008 – 2011
SEA of the EXPO Milano 2015 plan
Period: 2009-2010
SEA of the Regional Territorial Plan of Malpensa area
Period: 2009-2010
GPP voluntary agreement
Period: 2009-2010
SEA: research and experimentation in Lombardy
Period: 2002-2010
SEA of the Electric National Network development Annual Plan
Period: 2004-2009
Informative System for the Environmental Monitoring of Objectives 2 Areas
Period: 2008
Sustainable consumption in Public Administration
Period: 2008
A research project assigned by IReR for the definition of guidelines on the public accessibility to environmental information in Lombardia Region.
Period: 2008
Guide line for the SEA in Lombardia according to European Community Framework
Environmental assessment of EU programs implementation tools for negotiated programming
Period: 2007-2008
SEA of the Territorial Coordination Plan of Milano Province
Period: 2006-2008
SEA of the Regional Territorial Plan
Period: 2006-2007
SEA of the operational Program competitiveness of Regione Lombardia
Period: 2006-2007
Agenda 21 Lombardia
Organizational office in support of the coordination activities of the Local Agenda 21 in Lombardia
Period: 2006-2007
Kyoto project
Period: 2005-2006
Informative System for the Environmental Impact Assessment
Period: 1998-2006
Integration of environmental concerns and public participation into land planning processes.
Period: 2002-2005
Evaluation ENvironnemental des PLANs et programmes
Period: 2002-2004
Reversible and Flexible measures for Energy saving in transportation management
Period: 1997-1999