Environmental monitoring of the River Po Distric's Plans
Support to the Basin Authority for the implementation of the SEA prescriptions
The Water Management Plan (WMP) and the Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) of the river Po district were both approved in December 2021. The The Italian Ministry of the Environment has requested to define and implement an integrated system of environmental monitoring, also through systematic collaboration with the Regions.
The activities carried out by Poliedra, in close collaboration with the Basin Authority, concern:
- the methodological design of an integrated environmental monitoring system of the plans and their Strategic Environmental Assessment, and the definition of tools for its implementation;
- support for the establishment and implementation of the permanent technical table with the participation of the public bodies involved;
- the drafting of the first Monitoring Report with the construction of the baseline;
- the methodological setting of an extended monitoring system which will also include the territorial and sectoral plans, at different scales, which affect the achievement of the objectives of the WMP and FRMP.
Client: Po River District Basin Authority
Period: 2022 – 2024
Overall extension of floodable areas by basin
Risk class for point, linear and area elements