Evaluation ENvironnemental des PLANs et programmes
European project with the aim of preparing the conditions to introduce the SEA into the legislation of 10 regions, 6 in Italy and 4 in Spain. The regions involved first started activities of study and knowledge exchange on how to integrate environmental topics into planning and programming processes, on the regulatory and planning frameworks, both at the national (Italian and Spanish) and regional level.
After having defined a unitary orientation model, a strong experimental activity (14 projects) was carried out on three different planning levels (strategic, structural, implemental).
The results of the experimentations included regulatory guidelines for the transposition of 2001/42/EC Directive within each participant region and the joint development, with the scientific coordination of Poliedra, of guidelines for the SEA that are still considered as the main reference document in Italy.
Client: Regione Lombardia
Funding programme: INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC
Period: 2002 – 2004
Web-site: www.interreg-enplan.org