SEA of Regional Air Quality Action Programme (PRIA) and of Regional Environmental Energetic Programme (PEAR) of Regione Lombardia
PRIA main objective is the reduction of pollutant emissions affecting regional territory and to achieve air quality levels without significant effects on human health and on environment. The related SEA evaluates, in particular, the environmental effects of Plan actions, considering them one by one and from the point of view of their overall effects, concerning the three Plan macro-sectors (mobility and transport, energy, agriculture and forests). PRIA was approved in 2013.
PEAR is an energetic end environmental strategic Program, which defines the strategy to achieve the Europe 2020 targets for climate change and energy sustainability. The Program’s main objective is to reduce the energy consumption from fossil fuels, to increase the renewable energy sources and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. PEAR provides a coordinated set of actions concerning different sectors (residential, commercial, industry, agriculture).
The related SEA tries to apply the evaluation methodology proposed by the regional environmental sustainability strategy, which will be part of the new regional territorial plan (see “d.g.r. 11 luglio 2014, n. 2131”). The SEA assesses the significant effects of program’s actions on the environment, as well as the cumulative effects, having regard, in particular, to three evaluation issues (health and quality of life, landscape, climate change). PEAR was approved in June 2015.
Client: CESTEC SpA, Finlombarda SpA, Infrastrutture Lombarde SpA
Period: 2012 – 2015