Strategic Environmental Assessment of the National Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Programme for the Green and Digital Transition (RIC NP) 2021-27
The National Research, Innovation and Competitiveness Program, which is being defined by the Ministry of Economic Development, with the Ministries of Research and Green Transition, covers two policy objectives:
- PO 1 Smarter and more competitive Europe, with interventions in research and innovation, digitalisation, competitiveness of SMEs;
- PO 2 Greener Europe, with interventions on photovoltaics for self-consumption and on the smartisation of energy transmission and distribution networks.
With a total budget of EUR 5,636 million, it is aimed at the seven least developed regions: Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardegna and Sicilia.
Poliedra is appointed to provide technical assistance for the SEA by Invitalia. An innovative element in this area is the integration, within the SEA, of the verification of compliance with the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) principle, as required by EU regulations. Particular attention is given to the definition of application criteria for the implementation phase.
Client: Invitalia
Period: 2022 – 2023