SEA: research and experimentation in Lombardy
Since 2002 Poliedra has been providing technical and methodological support to Lombardia Region – DG for Territory and to ARPA (Environmental Protection Regional Agency) in carrying out and experimenting site-oriented proposals to introduce and apply the SEA (Strategic Environmental Assesment) to plans and programs in Lombardia. The most recent (2009-2010) research activities include:
- the implementation of a prototypal frame for territorial knowledge useful to the SEA (sustainability objectives, possible types of lines of action, core indicators for environmental assessment), tested in the “Terre dei Navigli” area, in the province of Cremona;
- the development of a methodology and of general core indicators for the environmental monitoring of PGT (Municipal Territory Government Plan), connecting indicators and context data produced by Municipalities with those produced by other subjects with environmental expertise (e.g. ARPA, ATO, etc); a prototypal informatics tool to support Municipalities has been developed with the contribution of the technical offices of Cremona, Osnago (LC), Lomagna (LC), Settimo Milanese (MI), Cesano Maderno (MB), Casteggio (PV) and Romano di Lombardia (BG).
Client: Regione Lombardia
Period: 2002 – 2010