SEA of the Regional Territorial Plan
Poliedra firstly supported Lombardia Region for the definition of the methodologies for the SEA of the Territorial Regional Plan (PTR) and afterwards was involved into the implementation of the scheduled actions for the integration between PTR and PGT (Municipal Territorial Government Plan), according to the Regional law for the Government of Territory (L.R. 12/2005).
On particular Poliedra focused on the editing of the environmental report: it included the methods to integrate environmental aspects into the objective and actions of the plan and a qualitative estimation of potential effects of the actions of plan according to a set of sustainability and environment protection indicators. The key element of the report was also the identification of criteria to implement the plan and of mitigation and compensation measures to reduce or compensate negative environmental effects (with particular reference to soil consumption, equalization and compensation mechanisms, regional development hubs and transport infrastructures).
During the process of integration between PTR and SEA and within the Forum for PTR, thematic workshops to deepen specific local issues have been organized, involving public bodies and institutions representatives, expert subjects (people, organizations) on environmental themes and associations. The Regional Territorial Plan has been finally approved by the Regional Council in January 2010.
Client: Regione Lombardia
Period: 2006 – 2007