SEAs of the ERDF Regional Operational Programme and the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 of Lombardy
Poliedra has been assigned by Regione Lombardia to carry out the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the ERDF Regional Operational Programme and of the EAFRD Rural Development Programme (EU 2014-2020). The coordination of the two SEAs may allow to enhance the potential synergies of the two programmes.
The approach considers four cross-cutting themes (climate change and adaptation, green economy, health and quality of natural resources and governance), useful to evaluate the cumulative environmental effects of the two programmes.
It’s also provided a general description of resources, suitable elements and critical issues distinguishing Lombardy (vulnerability and resilience elements), in order to identify areas and activities to which lead funds allocation to gain the greatest benefit and to limit environmental costs. The added value of this approach lies in its territorial characterization, which allows a detailed evaluation of the strategies. The analysis moves from the identification of dynamics acting on the different and peculiar territories and from the characteristics of the Regional environmental and landscape asset of Lombardy Region.
Client: Regione Lombardia
Period: 2013 – 2015