Integrated territorial strategies for services of general interest
The project, built on the exchange of experiences between 10 partners from 5 different countries, aimed to provide a contribution to overcome the sectoral approach in the offer of Services of General Interest (SGI) by promoting the integration of sector policies within the of territorial strategies in the Alpine area.
Poliedra provided technical assistance to the Lombardy Region (DG University, Research and Open Innovation) by taking care of various activities during the project, including the pilot action which concerned the internal area of Valchiavenna on the topic of the future potential of ultra-broadband for the improvement of the SIGs and the development of recommendations for policy makers, in synergy with the EUSALP Action Group 5 and the Alpine Think Tank established within the project.
Client: Regione Lombardia
Funding programme: Interreg Alpine Space
Period: 2016 – 2018