SEA and Environmental Incidence Assessment on Natura 2000 sites of the Energy, Environment and Climate Programme of Lombardy Region
Regione Lombardia intends to update its energy programming by approving the Regional Energy Environment and Climate Programme, which implements the new policies on energy transition and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the medium-long term.
Poliedra provides technical support for the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Environmental Incidence Assessment on Natura 2000 sites, aimed at integrating the environmental aspects in the development of the Programme. The evaluation is based on the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy. Thematic round tables of the Regional Observatory for Circular Economy and Energy Transition are also functional to the SEA process, involving stakeholders and General Directions of the regional administration. In addition, an activity to involve young people was launched, with the publication of a questionnaire about climate and energy issues, which aims to detect the degree of awareness of citizens on the effects of climate change and to provide information on eco-compatible behaviors to implement in everyday life

Summary of the contributions expressed at the First Evaluation Conference and Forum open to the public
Client: Regione Lombardia
Period: 2021 – 2022

Communication material for social networks relating to the survey dedicated to young people on the topic of climate change

Consistency analysis between the PREAC scenarios and the Regional Plan of Interventions for Air Quality (PRIA) elaborated in the Environmental Report