
OPTI-UP first deliverables

The OPTI-UP project reaches a first goal with the finalisation of two deliverables. The Comprehensive Data Report  provides an in-depth analysis of the public transport networks within the project area. It identifies potential synergies and conflicts between public transport and spatial planning and offers actionable recommendations for improvement. By comparing best practices from other cities and…


Joint Strategy and Action Plans for Smart Village Transition in Central Europe

The Joint Strategy for Smart Village Transition in Central Europe, recently published by the More Than a Village project, with the participation of Poliedra, provides a guide to transform villages into dynamic, sustainable and digitally connected areas. With a focus on innovation, sustainability and collaboration, the document outlines the key approaches and actions needed to…


URBIO-BAUHAUS project’s official start: kick-off meeting in Wroclaw

On June 18th the official kick-off meeting of the URBIO BAUHAUS project took place in Wroclaw, Poland, hosted by the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Delegations from the 10 project partner institutions gathered to organise the collaborative work and officially initiate project’s activities. The project consortium includes 10 partners: Wroclaw University of Environmental…


Kick-off meeting of the OPTI-UP project in Zagreb

On 22 May, the Kick Off Meeting of the OPTI-UP project (Optimising and greening Public Transport networks through Integration with Urban Planning and data-driven approaches), which promotes more environmentally sustainable urban mobility systems, was held in Zagreb. EY Croatia, the project leader, hosted the partnership, which includes a broad partnership from countries such as Austria,…


CROSS-REIS collaborative research and sharing events

July 2024 Over the past two weeks, project partners of the Horizon Europe CROSS-REIS project participated in two collaboration events in Rijeka, Croatia and Niš, Serbia. The main objectives of these events are to get to know the project partners’ institutions, network and facilities, explore potential research collaboration, share data and discuss key project developments…


GreenGov kick-off: the first partner gathering in Hanover

On April 16th and 17th, the Lower Saxon Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development based in Hanover hosted the Kick-off Meeting of GreenGov (GREEN finance and Do No Significant Harm principle implementation for a better regional GOVernance), an Interreg Europe funded project led by the Ile-de-France Region aimed at helping European Regions and local authorities implement the…


Open Day – M-US-T Master Temporary Uses

At Politecnico di Milano and online   M-US-T Master Temporary Uses is the first international postgraduate master’s course to learn how to plan, design, manage, and evaluate temporary uses. On Monday, 4 December, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., you can join the M-US-T Open Day. It will be possible to know in detail the…


Facilitating inclusiveness in Citizens’ Assemblies – a laboratory by Poliedra at Berlin – International Conference of Facilitators

Between October 16th and 18th, Berlin will host “Entering Brave Space(s) – Facilitating beyond beaten tracks”, the 2023 Conference of the International Association of Facilitators – Europe and Middle East, which will cover the topics of inclusiveness and awareness of inequalities, privileges and asymmetries of power in the context of facilitated processes that aim at…


Call for Contributions: Seminar on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Application in Urban and Regional Sustainability

Poliedra-Politecnico di Milano is pleased to invite you to the seminar Multi-Criteria Decision Making Application in Urban and Regional Sustainability, which will be held at Politecnico di Milano-via Giuseppe Colombo, 40, Milano-on September 11-13, 2023. The seminar is organized within the context of the UR-DATA-Twinning for Excellence in Smart and Resilient Urban Development: Advanced Data…


Workshop “Terra cruda” promoted by A•PART

We are pleased to grant our patronage to the “Terra cruda” Workshop promoted by A•PART – Actions for People, Architecture, Rights, Territory ETS Association, founded by two Alumnae of our @Master Design for Development, @Giulia Ciusani and @Carla Procida, together with @Francesca Palmi. A•PART deals with sustainable architecture in the Global South and supports the…


The Permanent Citizens’ Assembly on Climate is born in Milan

On Saturday the 1st of October Cascina Cuccagna (Milan) will host an event dedicated to the presentation of the Permanent Citizens’ Assembly on Climate, a participatory body included among the Actions of the Air and Climate Plan, approved by Milan’s municipal Administration in february 2022. Poliedra is involved in the project on behalf of AMAT…


Final event of the APPROVE project for the promotion of renewable sources

[18/5/2022] Join us in Brussels at the European Committee of the Regions next 1st June for the final event of the APPROVE project. Download the agenda! The event will be also web-streamed. Register here by 21st May.   The objective of APPROVE (Advancing Public Participation and stakeholdeR engagement fOr the improVement of renewable Energy policies) is to improve the policies…


SSD – Smart Sustainable Districts

The SSD – Smart Sustainable Districts project, promoted by Politecnico di Milano and coordinated by Consorzio Poliedra, started in 2021 and it involved more than 100 researchers from all the Departments and Consortia of the Politecnico (Polimi System). The project has aimed at tackling the needs and has intented to suggest actions for the sustainable development, the ecological transition and…


APPROVE – A project for the improvement of renewable energy policies

Phase 1 of the Interreg Europe APPROVE project, in which Poliedra is advisory partner, has been completed. The interregional exchange of experiences started in 2018 led the regions of Lapland, Epirus, Normandy and Castilla and León to produce, with the involvement of regional stakeholders, Action Plans to improve their own policies for the promotion of…


First I-SharE LIFE dissemination event

The first Dissemination Event of the I-SharE LIFE project took place on the 10th of December. The European project, that started in 2018 and lasted for three years, aims to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere through the use of new innovative electric car sharing models in medium and small urban areas tested…


A great conclusion for Circular Housing activities

The last appointment of the users’ engagement process developed by Poliedra as part of the Circular Housing project, supported by EIT Climate-KIC, was held on 1 December. Circular Housing aims to design a new real estate rental paradigm capable of integrating an appliance and furniture rental service, helping to structure a circular and sustainable supply…


I-SharE LIFE beta users workshop

??? The coronavirus didn’t stop us! ? ?? On the 6th and 8th of October, we facilitated two online workshops for the I-SharE LIFE project with beta users, people who previously tried the E-Vai e-car sharing service. Using Mural, it was possible to collect beta users opinions on the service usage and on the new E-vai platform, helping the team members…


Webinar “Urban Sustainability in Africa: Circular and Resilient Cities”

Streaming on Tuesday, September 22nd, h 15.00 CET Webinar organized da Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei in collaboration with the Master “Design for Development. Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage in the Global South”. Catherine Kalisa (UN-Habitat) and Christian Benimana (MASS Design Group) will discuss the topic of urban sustainability and the concepts of urban circularity and resilience with reference to the development and…


Lombardy GPP Regional Action Plan

On May 26th, the Lombardy Region approved the Regional Action Plan for Green Procurement (PAR GPP), drafted by Unioncamere Lombardia with the technical support of Poliedra. The Action Plan traces a roadmap for Public Administrations, companies and stakeholders, in which the Lombardy Region plays the leading role in spreading a culture of sustainable consumption. The…


Webinar “Africa’s Urbanisation Dynamics 2020: Africapolis, Mapping a New Urban Geography”

Streaming on Friday, July 3rd, h 15.00 CET Webinar organized da Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei in collaboration with the Master “Design for Development. Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage in the Global South”. Philipp Heinrigs (Head of Unit, OECD) will present the OECD/SWAC report “Africa’s Urbanisation Dynamics 2020: Africapolis, Mapping a New Urban Geography”. Download the programme…



Poliedra is co-organising the sessions Can we deliver a green deal? hosted as part of European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2020 on 10 June 2020 at 14:30-16:00 CET. The session will be of particular interest to development agencies, EU and national policymakers, urban planners, energy companies and authorities and mobility management and delivery organisations. The event is…


I-SharE LIFE: E-cars help in the fight against coronavirus

The I-SharE LIFE project I-SharE LIFE is offering to organisations like the Red Cross and the Civil Guard the free use of its electric cars during the coronavirus outbreak. This is happening in the Lombardy region and in the city of Osijek – project’s partner. The e-cars made available by E-Vai are already in use in different…


Poliedra in smart working

Given the COVID-19 health emergency, our offices in via G. Colombo are closed, but Poliedra’s activities proceed regularly in smart working. Contact us by email: find all our contacts here!


Poliedra in Shanghai for SICAB

Following the invitation of SMBEE (the Shanghai Municipal Bureau for Ecology and the Environment), next week we will participale in a course on the topic of Smart city and Sustainable Mobility in the context of the SICAB (Sino-Italian Capacity Building for Environmental protection) project. Roberto Nocerino will give a lecture on Smart city, trends and role in…



[27/9/2019]  The first edition of the Master DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT. Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage in the Global South started last Monday. The Master aims to improve professional skills to face the challenges of inclusive, sustainable urban development, with particular reference to the regions of the Global South and to countries with emerging economies. The Welcome day…


The Prometeus Regional Action Plans for electric mobility

The 5 regions of Prometeus, with the support of Poliedra, have completed and delivered the Regional Action Plans for Electric Mobility of the Prometeus project, the main output of the first phase of the project. The 5 Action Plans represent the result of 2 and a half years of knowledge exchange activities, in a methodology…


Poliedra is co-organiser of two sessions of the EUSEW Policy Conference

As part of the dissemination activities of our Interreg Europe PROMETEUS e APPROVE projects, we are co-organising two sessions of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Policy Conference which will take place on June 19 in Brussels, one on electric mobility and one on the promotion of renewable energies: What will fuel tomorrow’s mobility? (agenda, more info) Speed up…


Second edition of the CIRCULAR ECONOMY STORIES contest

After the success of the first edition of the Circular Economy Stories contest, a new edition has been launched. It includes the cathegory of comics, in addition to video, photo, radio and writing. The contest is aimed at stimulating and promoting in journalists, artists, and information and culture operators a renewed awareness about the environmental…


Applications now open for the Master in DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT

Until May 31st it is possible to apply for admission to the new Master DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT. Architecture, Urban Planning and Heritage in the Global South, directed by Prof. Camillo Magni of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of Politecnico di Milano. The Master intends to train professionals with an international outlook capable of tackling…


I-SharE LIFE project meeting

[21/3/2019]  On March 18-19-20, Poliedra participated together with the other partners in the meeting of the European project I-SharE LIFE, organized at the FNM headquarters. During the meeting, Poliedra presented the ongoing activities, the user research activity, and the upcoming co-design activities of electric car sharing that will begin shortly. Poliedra is selecting the beta…


SmartVillages Meeting in St Jean en Royans

[15/3/2019]  The second SmartVillages project meeting has taken place in Saint Jean en Royans, France, hosted by the French partner ADRETS. Poliedra presented the results of WPT-1, led by our Consortium, on the self- assessment of smartness in rural and mountain areas via the use of the Electre Tri multi-criteria analysis method, that has also…


Electric car sharing – User Research Training Workshop

[18/2/2019]  On January 15, Poliedra organized the “User Research Training Workshop” at E-Vai’s headquarters, in which the project partners E-Vai and FNM participated. During the workshop the tools for the identification of beta users, i.e. those who will test the innovative electric car sharing service in the Italian pilot sites (Busto Arsizio, Bollate, Bergamo and…


CESBA Alps video message

Now available the video message of the CESBA Alps project. Poliedra provides technical assistance to the project partner Regione Lombardia. For more information about the project please visit the CESBA Alps website.


Contest of the Circular Economy Stories project

The contest realized within the Circular Economy Stories project, that awards the storytelling of Italian transition experiences towards the circular economy, is ending. The winners are going to be proclaimed during the awards event that will take place in Rome, at the Roman Acquarium.

SmartVillages in Action! Steering Committee and Capacity Building Seminar

On September 27-28, the SMARTVillages events, hosted by Regione Lombardia at Palazzo Pirelli, have seen the participation of the 13 project partners to three moments of common interactive work organised by Poliedra: a first session on the objectives of smart transformation of the Test Areas in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland, a second…


Kick-off meeting of the I-SharE LIFE project

On July 17th and 18th the Kick-off meeting of the I-SharE LIFE project (Innovative sharing solutions for full electric travels in small and medium size urban areas) was held in Milan, funded under the LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency program. The project, consisting of 7 Partners, 5 Italians (FNM, E-VAI, Nordcom, Poliedra and ASSTRA) and…


Master in Tunnel Engineering

The call for the Master in Tunnel Engineering is now open. The course is directed by Prof. Claudio di Prisco of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale of the Politecnico di Milano and organised by Consorzio Poliedra, starting from March 2019. For further information please visit the website or


Poliedra in the project SICAB, Sino-Italian CApacity Building

Poliedra will take part in the project SICAB, Sino-Italian CApacity Building, a higher education programme promoted by the Ministry for the Environment and the Safeguard of the Territory and the Sea, led by Politecnico di Milano, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, University La Sapienza at Rome, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change and the Italy-China…


Circular Economy Stories: Contest

The contest Circular Economy Stories is open until the 31st may 2018. The challenge is to tell the transition of the Italian economic models throug videos, photography, audios and tales. The contest is one of the tools activated by the Circular Economy Stories project, which Poliedra is partner of


INTESI Project – Meetings in Bolzano

Poliedra, as technical assistance to Regione Lombardia, took part in the Alpine Space project INTESI (Integrated territorial strategies for services of general interest) meetings in Bolzano, on January 30-31. In the first day the programme saw the project’s Steering Committee and the field visits to the Val Passiria Test Area, focusing on an innovative hydroelectric…
