At Politecnico di Milano and online
M-US-T Master Temporary Uses is the first international postgraduate master’s course to learn how to plan, design, manage, and evaluate temporary uses.
On Monday, 4 December, from 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m., you can join the M-US-T Open Day. It will be possible to know in detail the contents, the organization, the scholarship possibilities, and the teachers involved in the 6 modules and the workshop of M-US-T.
The enrolment modalities and the possibilities of scholarships and access to reductions on the enrolment fee will be presented.
The meeting will be in Building 16, Bonardi Campus, room 16 C03 (click here for directions).
By writing to, you will get the link to participate online.
The presentation will be in English, with a Q&A section in Italian and English.