Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate: this is what the online workshop on October 31st will be about, organized by Knoca (Knowledge Network On Climate Assemblies) in collaboration with FIDE (Federation for Innovation in Democracy – Europe). We will be participating with Giuliana Gemini to present the case of the Milan Assembly, initiated by the Municipality to support the implementation of the Air and Climate Plan and realized with Amat‘s (Agency for Mobility, Environment, and Territory) support and Poliedra’s technical assistance.
In operation for a year in its “pilot” version and set to be fully established at the beginning of 2024, Milan’s Permanent Citizens’ Assembly on Climate consists of 90 randomly selected citizens. Through plenary discussions and working groups, participants are tasked with developing proposals and recommendations for a better, inclusive, and effective implementation of the Plan’s Actions by 2030.
The workshop on October 31st will be a valuable opportunity to engage with two other permanent climate assemblies: those of Brussels and Paris. Representing these two bodies will be Merlijn De Rijcke, Secretary of the Citizens’ Climate Assembly in Brussels, and Anouch Toranian, Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for associations, citizen participation, and public debate. Together, we will explore the lessons learned from the journey so far and weigh the pros and cons of creating permanent deliberative participation bodies.
To participate in the workshop, you can register on this page.