GreenGov kick-off: the first partner gathering in Hanover

On April 16th and 17th, the Lower Saxon Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development based in Hanover hosted the Kick-off Meeting of GreenGov (GREEN finance and Do No Significant Harm principle implementation for a better regional GOVernance), an Interreg Europe funded project led by the Ile-de-France Region aimed at helping European Regions and local authorities implement the…

Permanent citizens’ assemblies on climate: in dialogue with Milan, Brussels, and Paris

Permanent Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate: this is what the online workshop on October 31st will be about, organized by Knoca (Knowledge Network On Climate Assemblies) in collaboration with FIDE (Federation for Innovation in Democracy – Europe). We will be participating with Giuliana Gemini to present the case of the Milan Assembly, initiated by the Municipality…

Facilitating inclusiveness in Citizens’ Assemblies – a laboratory by Poliedra at Berlin – International Conference of Facilitators

Between October 16th and 18th, Berlin will host “Entering Brave Space(s) – Facilitating beyond beaten tracks”, the 2023 Conference of the International Association of Facilitators – Europe and Middle East, which will cover the topics of inclusiveness and awareness of inequalities, privileges and asymmetries of power in the context of facilitated processes that aim at…