Resilience Projects Observatory
The Resilience Projects Observatory, supported by Fondazione Cariplo, was conducted by DAStu of Politecnico of Milano, in partnership with DIST of Politecnico of Torino, the University of Molise, Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente, and REsilienceLAB. It aimed at accompanying the transition of institutions and communities towards a stronger, more aware and more resilient society, through a capacity building process. The main activities carried out by the Observatory regard:
- collection of the national resilience projects,
- promotion of a territory-and-community-applied research, as a trigger for scientific progress in the fields of resilience and transition,
- development of tools and criteria for the support of the resilience projects design, addressed to both institutional and private stakeholders,
- consolidation of a national and local network through shared innovative path.
Poliedra supported Politecnico of Milano in the activities regarding the definition of a method for the territorial resilience evaluation, and the selection of the indicators for the estimation of the resilience projects effects. Moreover, Poliedra participated in the initiatives organized by the Observatory in order to promote the networking and the capacity building.