Design and implementation of monitoring systems

Some of our projectsMethodologies Environmental and landscape assessment Design and implementation of monitoring systems Multi-criteria and multi-stakeholder assessment Design and facilitation of participatory processes Tools for active citizenship and behavioral change Analysis and representation of complex data and problems Algorithms for optimization and simulation models User centred design ThemesENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYRead moreMOBILITY AND TRANSPORTRead moreDECISION AIDING…

Environmental and landscape assessment

Some of our projectsMethodologies Environmental and landscape assessment Design and implementation of monitoring systems Multi-criteria and multi-stakeholder assessment Design and facilitation of participatory processes Tools for active citizenship and behavioral change Analysis and representation of complex data and problems Algorithms for optimization and simulation models User centred design ThemesENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYRead moreMOBILITY AND TRANSPORTRead moreDECISION AIDING…

Our governance

President Francesco Ballio Full professor of hydraulics, he teaches fluid mechanics and fluvial hydraulics in the civil, environmental and industrial field at Politecnico di Milano. A significant part of his teaching activity focuses on the management of flood risk, for which he carries out dissemination activities and specialized training on a wide spectrum (from primary…

Our team

Our experts Our team is highly interdisciplinary, with technical, scientific and humanistic expertise. We have a consolidated work experience in national and international complex partnerships. Over time we have built an articulated network of collaborations with qualified experts and with technical-scientific partners. The competences of our team Decision support systems for the environment, energy, mobility…

Decision aiding and engagement

We believe that decision-making processes should be transparent and inclusive, as a strategic condition for appropriate, sustainable and shared choices, and we work to support that. We support companies and public administrations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and processes, working with them in the design and management phases and promoting good practices.…

Mobility and transport

We promote innovative solutions for smart, green and multimodal mobility to improve accessibility and liveability of urban and rural areas. Sharing mobility and flexible transport systems Demand-management strategies and mobility management Soft mobility Freight transport and urban logistics Traveler information systems and Mobility as a Service Electric mobility Some of our projects ThemesENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITYRead moreMOBILITY…

Environmental sustainability

We support the integration of environmental issues in public policies and strategies and we promote approaches, methods and tools supporting the transition towards more sustainable models and behaviors. Environmental assessment and monitoring Integration of environmental issues in EU regional and rural development policies Plans, programmes and strategies for sustainable development Projects for the integrated enhancement…

European projects

We take part in several EU-funded projects, that we have drafted and developed in international partnerships with research centres, public administrations and consultancy firms. We have taken part in more than 40 co-financed projects in the contexts of several funds, such as Framework Programmes, Intelligent Energy Europe, Horizon, Erasmus+, LIFE, UIA, Climate KIC, Interreg. Participation…

Support to public administration

We work as technical consultants for public subjects at national, regional and local levels, and we promote the implementation of methods and tools aiming at a better quality of decision processes and of their implementation, in sectors like sustainable development, mobility, energy, green procurement and circular economy. Technical assistance in environmental assessments of territorial and…

Solutions for companies and consulting

We provide consultancy services to businesses and service companies of various sizes, combining our specific technical competencies with deep knowledge of institutional aspects and policies at the different levels (regional, national, European). Expert studies Support to project assessment and authorization procedures Analysis and re-designing of processes Development of prototypes and software tools Optimization of processes…