Applied research and innovation

Our activities of applied research and complex systems design concern our core themes as well as well transversal themes in which we can engage the wide-ranging competences that can be found in the departments of the Politecnico di Milano. Our being strongly rooted in the “Politecnico System”, moreover, makes us particularly attentive to the themes…

Kick-off meeting of the I-SharE LIFE project

On July 17th and 18th the Kick-off meeting of the I-SharE LIFE project (Innovative sharing solutions for full electric travels in small and medium size urban areas) was held in Milan, funded under the LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency program. The project, consisting of 7 Partners, 5 Italians (FNM, E-VAI, Nordcom, Poliedra and ASSTRA) and…

Master in Tunnel Engineering

The call for the Master in Tunnel Engineering is now open. The course is directed by Prof. Claudio di Prisco of Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale of the Politecnico di Milano and organised by Consorzio Poliedra, starting from March 2019. For further information please visit the website or

Poliedra in the project SICAB, Sino-Italian CApacity Building

Poliedra will take part in the project SICAB, Sino-Italian CApacity Building, a higher education programme promoted by the Ministry for the Environment and the Safeguard of the Territory and the Sea, led by Politecnico di Milano, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, University La Sapienza at Rome, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change and the Italy-China…

Circular Economy Stories: Contest

The contest Circular Economy Stories is open until the 31st may 2018. The challenge is to tell the transition of the Italian economic models throug videos, photography, audios and tales. The contest is one of the tools activated by the Circular Economy Stories project, which Poliedra is partner of

INTESI Project – Meetings in Bolzano

Poliedra, as technical assistance to Regione Lombardia, took part in the Alpine Space project INTESI (Integrated territorial strategies for services of general interest) meetings in Bolzano, on January 30-31. In the first day the programme saw the project’s Steering Committee and the field visits to the Val Passiria Test Area, focusing on an innovative hydroelectric…