Our experts

Our team is highly interdisciplinary, with technical, scientific and humanistic expertise. We have a consolidated work experience in national and international complex partnerships.

Over time we have built an articulated network of collaborations with qualified experts and with technical-scientific partners.

The competences of our team

  • Decision support systems for the environment, energy, mobility and territory
  • Environmental and landscape analysis and assessment
  • Support for the design and implementation of policies, strategies, plans and programs
  • Planning and design of mobility and transport systems
  • IT tools, data processing and representation
Alessandro Luè

Head of research

Expert in:

  • Methods for decision aiding and for the evaluation of plans and projects
  • Optimization algorithms for transport
  • Design and implementation of sustainable mobility services
  • Intelligent transport systems

Degree in Environmental Engineering (1999)
PhD in Design (2015)
At Poliedra since 1999

Silvia Pezzoli

Head of research

Expert in:

  • Programming and integrated design tools for land use transformations and the environment
  • Urban and territorial planning
  • Environmental assessment and monitoring of plans and programs
  • Landscape assessment of plans and projects
  • Geographic Information Systems

Degree in Territorial, Urban and Environmental Planning (2003)
Master in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (2009)
At Poliedra since 2012

Silvia Arcari

Head of education and training

Expert in:

  • Methodological and procedural aspects of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment
  • Environmental assessment of urban and territorial plans
  • Analysis and management of georeferenced databases and GIS elaborations for planning

Degree in Environmental Engineering (1998)
At Poliedra since 2000

Alberto Colorni

Fondatore e advisor scientifico

Poliedra’s president from 2011 to 2017, director from 2016 to 2021

Until 2016 full professor at Politecnico di Milano (Operational research, Decision models): he taught in various course of the Engineering school (computer science, mathematics, management) and also in the Architecture and Design schools

Founder and president (until 2011) of METID, in the field of educational innovation and e-learning

Founder and president (until 2006) of  SIe-L, the Italian e-Learning Society

He has directed and worked in numerous national and European research projects, both for both Politecnico and Poliedra; at the moment he is responsible for Poliedra’s strategic project Smart Sustainable Districts

Expert in:

  • Multi-criteria and multi-actors analysis methods
  • Decision aid systems
  • Methods for environmental impact assessment
  • Optimization models (combinatorial and nature-based)
  • Smart mobility (car sharing, car pooling, dial-a-ride)
  • Multimedia education (e-learning, e-collaboration)
  • Simulation and serious games
Eliot Laniado

Fondatore e advisor scientifico

Director of Poliedra until 2016

Senior researcher at the Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) from 1978 to 2013

Until 2012 lecturer at Politecnico di Milano (courses in Systems Theory, Economics applied to Engineering, Methods and models for decision support, Ecology and sustainability of production systems, Fundamentals of environmental impact assessment)

Founder of Scuola VAS, an association for the promotion and dissemination of the culture of Strategic Environmental Assessment of plans and programs

Scientific coordinator of numerous national and European research projects, both for CNR and for Poliedra

Expert in:

  • Environmental assessment and monitoring of plans and programs
  • Public decision-making processes and decision support systems
  • Methods and tools for multilevel governance
  • Environmental economics
  • Transport economics and management
Alessandra Cappiello

Expert in:

  • Methodological and procedural aspects of strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment
  • Design of decision support tools for the environment and sustainable mobility
  • Evaluation of the environmental impacts of transport systems

Degree in Environmental Engineering (1998)
Master of Science in Transportation (2002)
At Poliedra since 1999

Alessandro Cattini

Expert in:

  • community and citizen-stakeholders engagement for participatory processes in support of public choices on the management of the territory and the environment
  • facilitation and co-design of participatory events and workshops
  • digital strategy and communication

Degree in Philosophy (2018)
At Poliedra since 2022

Marco Colombo

Expert in:

  • Analysis of environmental data and reporting
  • Territorial analysis through GIS
  • Calculation and monitoring of environmental indicators

Degree in Environmental Engineering (2021)
At Poliedra since 2023

Elena Conte

Expert in:

  • Environmental and landscape assessment of plans, programs and projects
  • Enhancement of landscape and cultural heritage
  • Heritage education, museum education
  • Negotiated planning and support to Local Authorities
  • EU Structural Funds

Degree in Classics (2001)
Master in Analysis and Management of the Environment and Landscape (2002)
At Poliedra since 2008

Mara Cossu

Expert in:

  • Methodological aspects and operational tools for strategic environmental assessment
  • Planning at urban and territorial scale
  • Territorial analysis and cartography

Degree in Architecture (2000)
Master in Bio-ecological Architecture and Sustainable Technologies for the Environment (2005)
PhD in Territorial planning and policies (2011)
At Poliedra since 2008

Francesca Costa

Expert in:

  • Analyses and methodologies for sustainable mobility
  • Road safety analysis methods
  • Urban and territorial planning

Degree in Civil Engineering (2004)
PhD in Territorial Planning (2008)
At Poliedra from 2018

Selene Cremonesi

Expert in:

  • Land planning and environmental monitoring
  • Analysis and visualization of environmental and energy data
  • GIS mapping and reporting
  • Scientific dissemination and communication about sustainability

Degree in Environmental and Land Planning Engineering (2020)

At Poliedra since 2021

Giuliana Gemini

Expert in:

  • Design and management of participatory processes and e-participation
  • Decision support methods and tools for the involvement of actors in the choices for the territory and the environment
  • Methodological and procedural aspects of the strategic environmental assessment

Degree in Environmental Sciences (1999)
At Poliedra since 2009

Elena Girola

Expert in:

  • Environmental assessment and impact assessment of territorial, sectoral and EU funded plans and programs
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Design, organisation and facilitation of participatory processes
  • Territorial analysis using GIS systems

Degree in Environmental Engineering (2008)
At Poliedra since 2008

Gianluca Lentini

Expert in:

  • Climatology (past climate reconstruction and future projections)
  • EU projects in the climatic, environmental and mobility fields
  • Scientific coordination of projects for the mountain environment
  • Scientific dissemination and training

Degree in Geological Sciences, Geophysical specialisation (2003)
At Poliedra since 2015

Annalisa Lodigiani

Expert in:

  • Sustainability strategies, policies and monitoring systems in the Agenda 2030 framework
  • EU rural development policies for the environment and landscape
  • Urban and territorial planning

Degree in Urban Planning and Territorial Policies (2010)
PhD in Territorial Government and Planning (2017)
At Poliedra since 2023

Andrea Mora

Expert in:

  • Cooperation for development and integrated urban/rural development
  • Europlanning in the climatic, environmental and mobility fields
  • Territorial governance and spatial planning
  • Environmental monitoring and assessment

Degree in Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning (2015)
PhD in Urban and Regional Development (2021)
At Poliedra since 2024

Simona Muratori

Expert in:

  • Decision support systems for the environment and the territory
  • Methods and procedures for environmental assessment

Degree in Civil Engineering for Land Protection and Planning (1987)
At Poliedra since 1996

Valerio Paruscio

Expert in:

  • Feasibility studies for sustainable mobility services
  • Optimization of transport systems
  • GIS territorial analysis
  • Environmental assessment and monitoring

Degree in Environmental Engineering (2006)
At Poliedra since 2006

Stefano Pingaro

Expert in:

  • Environmental data analysis and reporting
  • Territorial analyses
  • Environmental monitoring

Degree in Environmental Sciences (2020)
At Poliedra since 2024

Cristina Ragazzi

Esperto in:

  • Metodi per il supporto alle decisioni e per la valutazione di piani e progetti
  • Algoritmi di ottimizzazione per i trasporti
  • Progettazione e implementazione di servizi di mobilità sostenibile
  • Sistemi intelligenti di trasporto

Degree in Environmental Engineering (2023)
At Poliedra since 2024

Claudia Romelli

Expert in:

  • Environmental planning and assessment
  • Planning, organising and facilitating participatory processes
  • Coordination of research projects on nature conservation, sustainable urban development

Degree in Economics and Social Sciences (2016)
Master of Science in Ecosystem Services (2020)

At Poliedra since 2024

Carlotta Sigismondi

Expert in:

  • Environmental assessment and monitoring of plans and programs
  • Analyses and evaluations on the themes of rural development and biodiversity
  • Tools and methods for participated local development
  • Tools for the sustainability of public administrations with attention to green procurement

Degree in Biological Sciences, Bio-ecology specialisation (1998)
Master in Environmental Management at a local scale (2003)
At Poliedra since 2005

Ferdinando Stanta

Expert in:

  • Regulation, organization and programming of public services (in particular railways and public transport)
  • Economic analysis, feasibility checks and elaboration of business plans
  • Training on economics and regulation of public services

Degree in Economics (1992)
Accountant and Auditor
At Poliedra since 1996

Silvia Vaghi

Expert in:

  • Procedural and methodological aspects of strategic environmental assessment
  • Environmental and territorial analysis and reporting
  • Strategic planning and tools for local development
  • EU cohesion and rural development policies

Degree in Environmental Sciences (1999)
At Poliedra since 2005

Enrica Zucca

Expert in:

  • Environmental assessment of urban plans and territorial projects
  • Analysis and assessment of landscape aspects in planning processes
  • Representation of territorial phenomena
  • Environmental sustainability tools for local authorities and green procurement

Degree in Territorial, Urban and Environmental Planning (2005)
Master in Sustainable Development and Territorial Promotion (2007)
At Poliedra since 2009

Gabriella Atzeni

Head of Administration

Federica Tirelli

Coordinator of the education secretary office

Federica Lamberti


Chiara Longinotti


Fabiana Musi


Ilaria Sebastianelli


The members of the Board of Directors and of the Scientific Commitee of Poliedra are professors of Politecnico di Milano.