Isole smart
Nowadays more and more companies are interested in sustainability and employees welfare, aiming the creation of a pleasant work environment that encourages dialogue between the company and the surrounding realities, enriching the area.
With Isole Smart project, Poliedra guided the companies associated to Confindustria Bergamo in the identification and definition of customized smart solutions for customers and employees mobility, for encouraging the adoption of sustainable lifestyles with the definition of solutions for improving both mobility and corporate welfare.
Through the co-design process, Poliedra studied the points of view of managers, employees and customers for defining modular solutions, scalable and that promote collaboration among the surrounding companies and realities.
The analysis phase and the participatory activities permitted to define a model that studies Bergamo companies, clustering them according to: the territorial context, the accessibility to the company, the size and the assets (i.e. the property in terms of spaces and commodities of the company).
Over these analysis, various services of different categories had been find: on prevention, sport, food, work environment, sustainable mobility and welfare, including the identification for each one of necessities to allow their implementation (e.g. for a company electric car sharing service there is the need of a parking place and e-charging stations).
The team grouped a selection of services all together in basic packages with extensions, merging the most strategic ones together thinking on the type of company they are addressing and the territory in which the company is located. For example in a medium-sized company placed over the green, it is provided a selection of services related to the nature, such as outdoors training sessions, a company garden or the creation of a park in collaboration with neighboring companies.
To simplify the application of the packages the team has designed three ideal models of physical companies, called islands, that represent a company considered significant for the territory. The pandemic situation brought to a fourth island, called “Neverland”, which focuses on smart working and services to empower it.
The employment of packages and extensions will provide the definition of services sharable among multiple companies, creating a smart archipelago.

Client: Confindustria Bergamo
Period: 2019 – 2020