Sustainable consumption in Public Administration
Period: 2008
A research project assigned by IReR for the definition of guidelines on the public accessibility to environmental information in Lombardia Region.
Period: 2008
Bike Planner
The general framework of the study is “Bike Network – Strategic Plan for the development of a cross-border cycling network between Lombardia and Switzerland”.
Period: 2007-2008
Guide line for the SEA in Lombardia according to European Community Framework
Environmental assessment of EU programs implementation tools for negotiated programming
Period: 2007-2008
SEA of the Territorial Coordination Plan of Milano Province
Period: 2006-2008
SEA of the Regional Territorial Plan
Period: 2006-2007
SEA of the operational Program competitiveness of Regione Lombardia
Period: 2006-2007
Home-to-work travel plan of Urbino
Setting up of a plan for the travel demand management in the historical city centre of Urbino
Period: 2006-2007
HazMat planner
DSS for dangerous goods
Period: 2006-2007