Stazione Radio - Prima fermata

A shared vision for the sustainable promotion of the Martesana area

Stazione Radio – Prima fermata, has been a project promoted by Social Green Way – Impresa Sociale srl with the partnership of Poliedra and co-funded by Fondazione Comunità di Milano. The project aimed at starting the regeneration of the RFI Milano Centrale’s railway electrical substation, located on Naviglio Martesana, requalifying the building and giving it a new function, making it the starting point to the territorial discovery, the headquarter of the radio, the events and the training and educational courses.

The project had four main objectives:

  • Promotion and enhance of the territorial attractiveness on a local scale, building up urban regeneration process, and on a over-local scale, promoting Martesana area;
  • Dissemination of environmental, economical and social sustainability themes, promoting individual and collective best practices;
  • Enhancing the cultural and aggregation offer of the area, to guarantee a more equal access to human capital;
  • Improve the social cohesion and inclusion of more fragile categories of citizens with the aim of social innovation.

To foster the creation of urban regeneration projects involving all the Naviglio Martesana territory and beyond, Poliedra supported Social Green Way in the creation of a dialogue with the territorial stakeholders to create a collaborative strategy about the Martesana area, to make it more inclusive, attractive and sustainable..

 Poliedra activities:

  • territorial stakeholder mapping;
  • the support for the creation of a shared vision on the sustainable promotion of the Martesana area;
  • organisation of the engagement of a first nucleus of stakeholders and organized realities active in the area, promoting two meetings for participants’ mutual understanding and the discussion between them on the issues of active mobility and environment, inclusion and growth of the community, tourism, culture and narration of the territory.

Client: Social Green WayImpresa Sociale Srl.

Co-funded by Fondazione Comunità di Milano

Period: 2020 – 2023

Latest news on the project

  • October 2023, Three days at Stazione Radio Between October the 13th and 15th 2023, the gates of Stazione Radio, at Tofane Street n. 45 along the Martesana Canal, were opened for the first time after 40 years. Many guests (public administrators, journalists, podcasters and citizens) climbed the wagon-stage during the three days of the inauguration event, discussing sustainable lifestyles and slow tourism.