The mobility system of people in urban centres is rapidly evolving in many respects: from the vehicles used (e.g. electric vehicles, scooters), to the services that are offered (e.g. different modes of sharing, Mobility as a service, Maas), to the stakeholders involved (e.g. new sharing mobility operators, mobility managers).
The Horizon 2020 nuMIDAS project has realised a web platform that can support cities in making urban mobility development decisions with a data-driven approach, i.e. by making the most of the potential offered by the large amount of data that are collected by public administrations. The tools available on the nuMIDAS platform were designed, developed and implemented in close collaboration with the decision-makers themselves, with the intention of supporting them in tackling real problems for which adequate solutions do not yet exist on the market.
The tools were created and tested for the cities of Milan, Barcelona, Leuven and Thessaloniki, but were designed to be replicated in other European urban contexts. In particular, for the city of Milan, the nuMIDAS platform is able to simulate different scenarios to support the sizing of sharing service fleets (cars, scooters, bicycles and mopeds) and the definition of optimal areas in which to extend them.
Poliedra contributed in particular to the Milan case study, starting from the identification of the needs of public decision-makers to the implementation of the tools and testing. It also conducted the transversal activity of transferability of the tools to new cities, producing specific Guidelines.
Besides Poliedra, the project partnership was composed of:
- Agenzia Mobilità Ambiente e Territorio di Milano – AMAT SRL (IT),
- Transport & Mobility Leuven NV (BE),
- Map Traffic Management BV (NL),
- Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (GR),
- Factual Consulting SL (ES),
- Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze (CZ),
- Amb Informaciò i Serveis S.A (ES),
- Stad Leuven (BE).
Funding programme: Horizone 2020
Period: 2021-2022
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