Optimizing and greening Public Transport networks through Integration with Urban Planning and data-driven approaches.
Interreg Central Europe
Periodo: 2024-2027
Optimizing and greening Public Transport networks through Integration with Urban Planning and data-driven approaches.
Interreg Central Europe
Periodo: 2024-2027
Individuazione di soluzioni innovative e migliorative.
Periodo: 2017
Demand Responsive Extended Area Mobility Services.
Periodo: 2003-2007
Esperienza pilota per la gestione dei gas serra a livello regionale.
Periodo: 2005-2006
Studi di fattibilità per aree a domanda debole.
Periodo: 2000-2002
Models and methodologies for the Assessment of Innovative Urban Transport systems and policies Options.
Quarto Programma Quadro
Periodo: 1996-1998