Participative design for cycle and pedestrian mobility in Romano di Lombardia municipality
Poliedra supported the city of Romano di Lombardia (Bergamo) for the elaboration of a sustainable mobility plan. The activities were conducted through participatory planning methodology. Security analysis and technical inspections were complemented by the participation of citizens in order bring out the point of view of both the users of the bike network and pedestrian and to involve them in the design of possible solutions to detected problems. Participatory activities included gazebos (listening posts equipped with interactive maps), a collection of questionnaires for the analysis of pedestrian movements, the organization of interactive multi-stakeholder tables and focus groups dedicated to specific topics (point of weakness, the feasibility of a supra-municipal bike sharing, … ). At last, the project finalized consultation into the preparation and launch of a community bike workshop, settled into a restored building and managed on a voluntary basis, where everyone can fix and learn to fix its own bike, for free.
Client: Comune di Romano di Lombardia (BG)
Period: 2010 – 2011