Poliedra’s president from 2011 to 2017, director from 2016 to 2021
Until 2016 full professor at Politecnico di Milano (Operational research, Decision models): he taught in various course of the Engineering school (computer science, mathematics, management) and also in the Architecture and Design schools
Founder and president (until 2011) of METID, in the field of educational innovation and e-learning
Founder and president (until 2006) of SIe-L, the Italian e-Learning Society
He has directed and worked in numerous national and European research projects, both for both Politecnico and Poliedra; at the moment he is responsible for Poliedra’s strategic project Smart Sustainable Districts
Expert in:
- Multi-criteria and multi-actors analysis methods
- Decision aid systems
- Methods for environmental impact assessment
- Optimization models (combinatorial and nature-based)
- Smart mobility (car sharing, car pooling, dial-a-ride)
- Multimedia education (e-learning, e-collaboration)
- Simulation and serious games