In a consortium with the CCRR Lab of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies – Politecnico di Milano and TerrAria srl, Poliedra provides technical assistance to the partnership of projects co-financed by the Cariplo Foundation as part of the Call for Ideas Climate Strategy:
Climate Transition Strategy for the areas of Brescia and Bergamo
- “Un filo naturale. Una comunità che partecipa per trasformare la sfida del cambiamento climatico in opportunità”, coordinated by the Municipality of Brescia in partnership with Parco delle Colline di Brescia, CMCC Foundation and AmbienteParco Social Enterprise.
- “Cli.C. Bergamo! – CLImate.Change Bergamo!” coordinated by the Municipality of Bergamo in partnership with Parco dei Colli di Bergamo, Ersaf – Ente Regionale per i Servizi all’Agricoltura e alle Foreste di Regione Lombardia and Legambiente Lombardia Onlus.
The technical assistance concerns the support for the co-design of Climate Transition Strategies, starting from the contents of the projects selected by the Cariplo Foundation, and focuses on the improvement and re-definition of: context; vision and objectives; contents, time schedule and costs of the actions; governance; monitoring.
Poliedra is responsible for the methodological aspects of the strategy process and supports the two partnerships in the redefinition and improvement of actions related to the citizen involvement and activation, communication, capacity building and, among the actions for the mitigation, those related to sustainable mobility. Furthermore, with the Municipality of Brescia and the Municipality of Bergamo, Poliedra is in charge of design and conducting the participative process, supporting the construction of the Strategy, and of define the governance mechanism for its implementation and management.

– One of the working boards used during the workshop for the construction of the Climate Transition Strategy document of the Brescia partnership –
Period: 2021
Client: Fondazione Cariplo
The project “Cli.C. Bergamo! – CLImate.Change Bergamo!” aims to activate a process of urban transformation and of awareness raising of local actors, by taking the opportunities that ecosystem services offer to prevent and mitigate the impacts of climate change-related phenomena on the territory, such as extreme rainfalls, flood and heat waves. The actions identified to prevent and combat these phenomena aim to implement a true environmental, social and economic regeneration through the involvement of the main stakeholders of the territory, with the support of the local actors’ network. The actions are connected and integrated with each other and concern: structural adaptations and hydraulic defence works; extension of green infrastructures, reduction of artificial surfaces and protection of urban biodiversity; warning systems; communication, information and awareness of citizens; support to public administrations for capacity building.
Il progetto “Un filo naturale” della Città di Brescia ha l’obiettivo di contrastare l’innalzamento delle temperature e i fenomeni a questo associati, riducendo al contempo la vulnerabilità del territorio; esso si concentra sull’incremento del capitale naturale e della biodiversità in un’ottica di resilienza, individuando un set di azioni pilota per la mitigazione e l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico volte, in particolare, alla creazione di nuovi habitat in ambiente urbano che possano far fronte:
- alle sempre più frequenti ondate di calore, siccità e perdita di habitat realizzando una “città oasi”,
- all’aumento significativo dei fenomeni piovosi estremi realizzando una “città spugna”,
- al bisogno di naturalità, dei cittadini creando una “città per le persone“.
Il quadro d’azione è completato da misure per la revisione degli strumenti urbanistici, per l’implementazione di sistemi e reti per il monitoraggio climatico, per la capacity building e per il coinvolgimento della cittadinanza e la comunicazione.